Thursday, February 26, 2009


So right now I am completely loaded down with 16 hours of classes. To many this is not much but for me it's rough. Between school, trying to resolve things with my parents, and driving to Enterprise a couple of times a week, and all the many things I volunteer myself for my life is pretty hectic. Does this ever slow down? Will I get a chance to breathe? I want to take summer classes to get some of this behind me, but should I take a break instead? I've got so many questions and I have to make the decisions! Wow adulthood is not all its cracked up to be! Now I don't want to just complain, but it just helps to write it and get it out! Maybe some of ya'll have figured out how to balance all this and could spread some knowledge? :) But I'm sure things will eventually work out! One day when I am happily married, and done with school, maybe then?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So tonight once again I was reminded of the wonderful majesty of our King and Creator! These moments usually hit me when I'm taking my time and looking at God's creation.  Well tonight as I was walking from the Trojan Center to the library I was practically running not really thinking about God just trying to get to the library before I froze completely through! (if that is even possible in Southern Alabama) When all the sudden I just stopped and looked around! You know those little God moments, this was definitely one! I just had to marvel at God's beauty! I did marvel quickly, but it left an imprint on me! Lately I have been getting back into God and this helped indeed! Another night at Campus Awakening I just felt as if He were reaching down to me as if to say just take hold and I'll hold your hand and guide you through all this! TRUST ME! Tonight I got that feeling again.  At Bible Study we even briefly talked about how God meets us were we are! Wherever that may be! He forgives our every sin! WOW! What a great, wonderful, magnificent God! I just have to smile and laugh in awe of His presence!!! God is here with me. Whatever I am going through, wherever I am and He wants to help, I just have to let Him be in charge again! I was created to be a follower and then a leader, not the other way around! I must follow God in order to lead others! What a wonderful concept! god sure does surprise us at the strangest times to remind us He's there and wants to love us!